Sorry this post is late but I spent last weekend and this weekend with you!
Can't wait to see you in a few hrs so us chickies can get a massage!!

Love you, your the best mom in the world I couldn't have asked for a better one.
Thanks for always being there for me, giving me wonderful memories, advise, strength when I don't have any, a shoulder to cry on even if I dont' want to talk, driving to see me for the day when I miss or need you, for always believing in me and so much more...your the best. Happy Mother's Day too! Oh and for putting up with me, haha
Love your baby!
You guys play very important roles in my life and I thank you and love you so much.
Happy Mother's Day!

Sorry this post is late but I spent last weekend and this weekend with you!
Can't wait to see you in a few hrs so us chickies can get a massage!!

Love you, your the best mom in the world I couldn't have asked for a better one.
Thanks for always being there for me, giving me wonderful memories, advise, strength when I don't have any, a shoulder to cry on even if I dont' want to talk, driving to see me for the day when I miss or need you, for always believing in me and so much more...your the best. Happy Mother's Day too! Oh and for putting up with me, haha
Love your baby!
You guys play very important roles in my life and I thank you and love you so much.
Happy Mother's Day!