Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom


Sorry this post is late but I spent last weekend and this weekend with you!
Can't wait to see you in a few hrs so us chickies can get a massage!!

Love you, your the best mom in the world I couldn't have asked for a better one.
Thanks for always being there for me, giving me wonderful memories, advise, strength when I don't have any, a shoulder to cry on even if I dont' want to talk, driving to see me for the day when I miss or need you, for always believing in me and so much more...your the best. Happy Mother's Day too! Oh and for putting up with me, haha

Love your baby!


You guys play very important roles in my life and I thank you and love you so much.
Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Hey all, here's a quick update on what's been going on....We went to Ames 2 weekends ago and had a great time seeing everyone, eating O'Malleys and having my car break down. Yes, Friday night we were driving around and my car just died...we had it towed the next day to a garage and it was my timing belt and valves. They were hoping to get it done on Monday so I took a day off work but they needed to order parts so we had to rent a car to Sioux Falls and went back last weekend. Renting the car did give us a laugh since they only had 2 pt cruisers left! Nick looked awesome driving it, haha, we had a good laugh.

Last weekend, we drove to Ames, picked up my car (ouch $) and left to the cities to make it to Stacy and Jim's engagement dinner. We had a good time, Stef and Chris came down so we got to see her and meet her new boyfriend! Adelyn is now walking all on her own...she was walking around the mall and zoo, she's not a baby anymore :( So after a long weekend I was tired and couldn't wait to come home.

You may be wondering why am I writing during work hours? Well, it seems someone has given me the flu...I started getting a stomach ache at work yesterday (3:00) and left at 3:30 because it was getting more and more tense. I almost made it home but while I was in mid-turn at the stoplights I started ralphing. I tried to hold it in until I was done turning and could pull over but no it just came out in Nick's truck (oops), I pulled over in Burger King and continued to puke for a good 3 min. I made it home, feeling much better I cleaned out Nick's truck and put myself on the couch. Every hour exactly I would be on the toilet puking and all the other fun stuff that comes (I won't go into detail, haha). Finally 11:30 I fell asleep until 5am! I am now keeping hydrating and laying on the couch...unfortunately Nick is feeling sick today so he's keeping me company. He has not ralphed yet though, keep fingers crossed.

Happy May Day (I'm hoping it's better than April)