Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Jon!

Glad you enjoyed the cake, haha!

It's Jon's 29th birthday today (next year will be his golden)! I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I'm glad you guys came to visit, it was some good times....

I love you tons and I couldn't have asked for a better brother-in-law! You guys are always there for me and would go to the end of the world for your family. Have a great day!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Sis!

Not a teen anymore
Little Sis is definitely not little anymore, she has grown into a beautiful woman (inside and outside). She is the most sincere, caring, thoughtful, spiritual and all around person that I have and will probably ever know (and I'm not saying that because she's my cousin). Who can say one of their role models is younger than them, you play a very large part in my life (hey we're practicaly sisters since you stayed at our house in town when you guys lived in the country). I wish and hope you have the most wonderful birthday....we wish you were here to celebrate with Nick and Jon! We'll have to get a cold stone next month! I wish you the best and I'm so proud of who you are and who you aspire to be. Happy 20th Birthday LooLoo.

I hope you get everything you ask for!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Personal Quiz

Alright Sis, here's mine......

1. Who were you with last night?
Nick, Scooter and Dakota

2. What woke you up this morning?
My alarm

3. Where are you?
home sweet home

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Of course; Shan, Jon and Adelyn will be visiting

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
yes, both and I'm sure more once Addy gets here!

8. When's the last time you cried?
hmmmm, I'm assuming during my last you know what...enough said

-The PAST-

10. Ever thrown up in public?

11. Passed out because of alcohol?
ummmm, yes (cover your eyes young ones)

12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
How good these Doritos are and why Nick is watching hockey on t.v. (must be getting ready for Jon, haha)


13. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
that's deep. Ummmm I don't even know. I'd want to say yes.... I agree with you Sis

14. Where would you like to live?

15. What kind of home would you like?
one that I can afford to remodel

16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Umm...super mom haha

17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In MN, working, better be married haha, and lets throw some kids in too!


20. Who is your number one?
Sis, when I figure it out

21. Why are they your number one?
she's my favorite cousin on this planet!!! Agree with Sis (haha, I admit I cut out cousins)

22. Who have you kissed on your top friends?
I'm sure I've given all of them friendly peks!

23. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
Jennifer or Danielle (can't remember)

24. Are you good friends with this person?

25. What is this person to you?
well one day...........cousin in law and sister in law


27. Do you like candy necklaces?:
love them!

28. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
I'm sure today, I run into walls all the time, I mean they run into me!

29. Do you listen to music every day?:

30. Do you still go trick or treating?
I wish

31. What was the last thing you ate?
I'm eating Doritos and salsa right now

32. Are you a fast typer?:
I guess

33. About how many people have you liked?
who don't I like haha

34. What are you doing this weekend?:
Shan, Jon and Addy are coming and we're celebrating Nick and Jon's b-day and wishing Sis was here for her b-day

35. Whats your favorite type of SODA?
I'm gonna have to go with sprite

36. Have you ever moved?

37. Have you ever won an award?

38. Do you do any sports or other activities that are unusual? that's a funny question. no. (I agree Sis)

39. What do you want to do right now?
Cut my hair and dye it blonder again!I would also like to be baking in the sun and drinking margaritas but I'll have to wait until July

40. Are you listening to music right now?

41. Do you like someone?
Yes, very much, especially since I came home to a very clean home!

42. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
"interesting", "you shut your mouth when I'm talking to you" and for anyone from O'Malleys that sees this "shmay nay"!
43. How many days til your birthday?
oh boy ummm....5 months minus 4 days!

44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?:
When Barbie and Ken broke up
also....when Shan went to college and I realized I did love her after all (sorry), when I heard g-pa broke his hip and when I heard Sis crying when uncs had a heart attack (I agree loo-loo)

45. What time is it?
7:51 pm

46. Do you use EBay to buy or sell?
to buy, ice house (from some warehouse) and a million duck decoys (Sis you have alot more to move now)!


5'4 ish

brown and too long

[Eye Color:]

ears double pierced, cartilege and belly button

ooooo ouch! wouldn't be brave enough to get a tatoo (I agree Sis)

[wearing right now:]
my pink Victoria Secret sweats and a green shirt with studs at the bottom (I'm a little mismatched)

[What song are you listening to?]
not listening to one

[What taste is in your mouth?]

[Get motion sickness?]

[Have a bad habit?]
cracking my knuckles and saying "did you know"

[]Sucked for me
[] Was awesome
[x] Was ok. It was awesome sometimes, then sucked sometimes.

2006 I...
[] Dumped someone
[] Was dumped.
[x] Dyed my hair
[] Fell in love.
[] Had love at first sight
[] Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[x] Cried because I missed someone
[]Had detention(s)
[] Missed curfew
[] Kissed someone who I regret kissing
[x] Kissed someone I loved.
[x] Made honor roll (deans list)
[x] Danced crazily with my friends all night
[x]Gained confidence
[] Lost a friend(s)
[x] Gained new friends
[] Changed look

2007 I want to...
[x] Be more outgoing
[] Get better grades
[] Care less about how I look
[] Care more about how I look
[x] Be crazier
[] Keep my resolution
[x] Be more of myself around people

Word(s) to describe 2006:
accomplished, crazy, moved, employed and promoted

so far so good

Something I want to happen in 2007?
I think we all know what I want to happen (ring)

Something I don't want to happen in 2007?
death and unemployed

My theme song for 2007 would be?:
It's a Great Day to Be Alive and A I Wanna Do

Favorite color in 2006:
green/pink (haha, the colors I'm wearing)

Summer 2006:
graduated, broke and employed

My best friends in 2006:
Nick, Shan, Sis, Ally, Stef and Blight

Honestly do u miss 2006?
heck no

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's Wednesday

It's Wacky Wednesday, have a good day!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Stef and Sam!
Hope you guys have a great birthday, wish I could be there to help celebrate!

I miss you guys!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
We're finally getting snow!

Our weekend was pretty uneventful, Friday night I had free tickets to the basketball game (the Skyforce) but Nick didn't want to go (party pooper), so we stayed home. Yesterday I got to spend my Gap giftcard from RoseAnn, I found some sweet deals! Nick also found a sweet deal on an ice auger so he bought himself an early birthday present. We also did a lot of cleaning and organizing, nothing fun.

We're finally starting to get to know people here, at church I actually knew someone! Funny how it seems like it takes forever to get to know people, it's nice to run into people when your out and about!

Well, I'm making homemade soup tonight, cross your fingers for me!

Happy Birthday!


Thursday, January 11, 2007


A - Available or taken? Happily taken
B - Best friend? (s) Nicholas, Shannon, Sis, Stacy, Ally and Stef
C- Cake or pie? Cake all the way baby!
D - Drink of choice? Coffee or cranberry juice
E - Essential item you use every day? Deoderant
F - Favorite color? Pink
G - Gummy bears or worms? Red & White worms and white bears
H - Hometown? Hibbing
I - Indulgence? Mexican Food!!! Puts on a few extra pounds!
J - January or February? February because it's Nick's birthday!
K - Kids and names? 2: Scooter and Dakota
L - Life is incomplete without? God, family and friends
M - Marriage date? Ask Nick
N - Number of siblings? 1 - Shannon Rae
O - Oranges or apples? Granny Smith Apple
P - Phobias or fears? Scopophobia (people staring at me)
Q - Favorite quote? I love Caribou's too but here's another: "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like there's no one watching" and one more "the most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow seperately without growing apart", Elizabeth Foley okay one more: "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" Nietzsche
R - Reason to smile? Adelyn!! and everything is going great in our life as well as the people around us! Oh, and Sis's blogs!
S - Season? Summer - my b-day, long sunny days, people have a brighter smile and summer fun activities
T - Tag three or four people. Stef, RoseAnn and Jennifer
U - I won a coloring contest at Pizza Hut and mom won Mother of the Year with my letter but we were "disqualified" because they had never had a mother win twice (thanks Shan) so sad for me but way to go mom, who wins more than one year!
V - Vegetable you don't like? eggplant
W - Worst habit? Getting irritated with my mother on the cellphone ( I need patience)
X - X-rays? Too many to count.....I'd have to write a book!
Y - Your favorite food? Mexican
Z - Zodiac? Cancer

A - Available or taken? Happily taken
B - Best friend? (s) Stacy
C- Cake or pie? Pumpkin Pie!!!!!!
D - Drink of choice? Crown and 7
E - Essential item you use every day? Computer
F - Favorite color? Blue
G - Gummy bears or worms? Worms
H - Hometown? Bettendorf
I - Indulgence? Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
J - January or February? February because it's my birthday
K - Kids and names? 2: Scooter and Dakota
L - Life is incomplete without? God, family and enchiladas
M - Marriage date? Never, haha
N - Number of siblings? 4: Kim, Anne, Danielle and Dylan
O - Oranges or apples? orange
P - Phobias or fears? none
Q - Favorite quote? "You shut your mouth when your talking to me" Wedding Crashers
R - Reason to smile? funny jokes
S - Season? Fall-hunting and fishing
T - Tag three or four people. okay
U - Unknown fact about me? I like to fish
V - Vegetable you don't like? broccoli
W - Worst habit? cutting my fingernails in bed
X - X-rays? Teeth and ankle
Y - Your favorite food? Mexican
Z - Zodiac? Aquarius

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2007! Our trip to the Quad Cities was great but went by way too quick. Saturday we got to celebrate Christmas with Nick's family with a good meal and later that evening we went over to Nick's Aunt DeeDee's house to visit the gang and watch the fight.

Merry Christmas, again!

I was fighting a cold but mama RoseAnn doctored me up and I was feeling good by New Years Eve! We got a chance to stop by Severan's (Nick's friend) house and visit with them and then Dave got back from hunting just in time for us all to go to dinner on the boat and do some gambling. None of us won except for Jennifer and Grandma MaryAnn who went gamble hopping to bingo after the boat. We headed back to Nick's parent's house to ring in the new year with a couple games of poker (everyone won but me) and champagne!


On our way back on Monday we dropped RoseAnn off in Dubuque and got to visit with family there. It may have been a short trip but we sure saw a lot of people and had a ton of fun. I also increased my jewelry collection quite a bit, keep on making em RoseAnn!

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Lloyd and Jennifer who got engaged on New Years! We're so excited for you, can't wait till April 2008.

YIPEE! ( sorry it's blurry)