Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2007! Our trip to the Quad Cities was great but went by way too quick. Saturday we got to celebrate Christmas with Nick's family with a good meal and later that evening we went over to Nick's Aunt DeeDee's house to visit the gang and watch the fight.

Merry Christmas, again!

I was fighting a cold but mama RoseAnn doctored me up and I was feeling good by New Years Eve! We got a chance to stop by Severan's (Nick's friend) house and visit with them and then Dave got back from hunting just in time for us all to go to dinner on the boat and do some gambling. None of us won except for Jennifer and Grandma MaryAnn who went gamble hopping to bingo after the boat. We headed back to Nick's parent's house to ring in the new year with a couple games of poker (everyone won but me) and champagne!


On our way back on Monday we dropped RoseAnn off in Dubuque and got to visit with family there. It may have been a short trip but we sure saw a lot of people and had a ton of fun. I also increased my jewelry collection quite a bit, keep on making em RoseAnn!

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Lloyd and Jennifer who got engaged on New Years! We're so excited for you, can't wait till April 2008.

YIPEE! ( sorry it's blurry)


Shainerz said...

happy new year! BUMMER you didn't hit the big jackpot. It seems like your Christmases just keep comin and comin! Lucky duck. Well, hope your cold is done and over with.

p.s. it would be really cool if we did take a road trip sometime!

love you so much

Stacy, Jim and Brielle said...

congrats to nicks cousin!! glad you guys had so much fun. nicks family always sounds like such a good time!

Bradley said...

Happy to hear you are feeling better. I had a fever and sore throat last night. Is that what you had? It is nasty.

Sounds like you had a nice time! Hard to believe New Years has come and gone. Yay 2007!

When should we meet up next?

Stacy said...

whenever you want to come visit this month hehe!

Stacy, Jim and Brielle said...

why have you not posted the tagged thing yet! hop to, chop,chop!!