Well here I am...I do have a few excuses for being gone but it's a new year so who cares!
First of all Merry late Christmas and Happy New Years.
Lets see...Thanksgiving was spent in Hibbing. Stacy's bachelorette party was that weekend and they just got married in Hawaii yesterday!! Congrats.
The weekend before Christmas was spent in Lakeville for our Christmas with my family. We made cookies and went shopping, always a good time!
Christmas was spent in IA with Nick's family. His sister and brother in law just had a baby in Dec. so it was very exciting to see him and they also had the baptism then. Nick of course is very excited because he is the godfather and Jack can go fishing with him, haha. We had a great time there and a nice vacation from work...always hard to get back in the swing of things.
New Years was very low key. Nick and I layed low and thought we would go to a movie (I didn't think anyone would be there that night). It was so busy the movie we went to see was sold out while we were in line so we went to our 2nd choice, I Am Legend. It was a good movie but not a Happy New Year ending. Congrats to one of my best friends Allison (and Bryan) who got engaged over New Years in New York! I am soo excited, can't wait until the planning begins.
Not a lot of detail but I didn't want you to read a book either. Oh, there aren't really any photos because dumb me, I lost our memory card. The last time I downloaded photos was Thanksgiving in Hibtown, all my Christmas ones are gone so if anyone would like to email me photos that would be great!
Mom and Adelyn are coming to visit next weekend so I'll be sure to post early that next week.

Adelyn in Sioux Falls visiting us without the rents!

Dinner at Sammy's before the HHS hockey game

Geez, I almost forgot how to use these things, haha.

Sis and I making breakfast, good thing I didn't lose this photo!

Look familiar? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!