Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my sweetheart...

We spent this weekend celebrating Nick's 27th birthday! We were headed to a hockey game (ended up being an away game so we watched basketball) was pretty funny for those who know the story. We went out and then to a friends where we played Wii.
It wasn't too crazy of a weekend but we had I made breakfast in the morning!

We don't have anything going on this month so it'll probably be quite boring...nothing better than cold and boredom!

Tune in later...


Shainerz said...

hold up...did I read correctly?
YOU made breakfast? hahaha you know I'm kidding. Someone had to make the joke! Good for you! I bet it was yummy. I'm very bummed I wasn't able to call Nick on his actual birthday..I had absolutely no cell phone reception a majority of that weekend at Big Sandy camp with the youth group. Sounds like you guys had fun. The wii rocks! If you get really bored you can head this way...I won't mind:)

Love you guys

Bradley said...

Yeah, head this way too. I've got the new Karen Kingsbury book for you to read. I'll try and zip through it. I think it promises to be a little happier then the previous one.
Love you