Nick and I have been together for 5 years now!
We went to the Parade of Lights on Friday and of course it was chilly out so we had to snuggle! Well two clowns came over and made fun of us and both of them took my arms and were telling Nick they were taking me back to the float to shoot me out of the cannon haha. It was probably a you had to be there story but we got a kick out of it (it's not everyday 2 clowns bombard you!).
We also did lots of Christmas shopping, wrapping and decorating. Sunday night we stayed in and made some homemade pizzas for our anniversary and mmmmmmmmmm were they good!

Yesterday Nick stayed home from work and school so he didn't have to drive because we had an ice storm. I went to start my car that morning and barely made it our the door, I tried to walk in the grass and it was so frozen I was just breaking it off! There was such a thick sheet of ice on my car that I had to chisel it off, good workout though! However, once I got out of the parking lot it was nice driving (weird it was safer to drive then walk!). Then last night we had a huge thunderstorm, good thing it didn't freeze outside or I might have had to wear a helmet and safety pads today!
If you have any good after Thanksgiving shopping stories do tell!
5 yrs??? holy crap, i'm good! huh?! yeah, clowns freak me out, so i would not have enjoyed that bombardment. your tree is really pretty! (i think ours is about 1/4 of that, hehehe!) any presents under there for me? j/k
I think there's a bag of coal haha, actually it's on the table getting ready to be wrapped with the next bunch!
nice tree, too bad i won't see you until right before xmas or you would have to come over & help me decorate. 5 YEARS!!! Are we getting that old that you two have been together for that long? Well I know I ask all the time but where's the ring NICK???
yeah nick, where's the ring...i want to be in a wedding soon! i better get something nicer than cole, i think i deserve that much!
Happy Anniversary! It sounds like you had a great weekend. Might I just request sometime in 2007 for your wedding? It would really work well for my schedule--hehe!
We miss you guys and can't wait to see you in a few weeks. How long will you be in Hibtown?
love you!
late Fri-early Mon
Happy 5 years! I remember one of your first nights at Adam's or should I say Kane's house of Pain. I also like the tree. It looks like it belongs in the window of a department store.
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