I called mom on Friday to see if she wanted to come visit for the weekend and after work she was on her way! Nick and I made it home just in time (after his fisheries banquet) to greet her. Nick went pheasant hunting on Saturday so we spent the day shopping. I forgot how much I love T.J. Maxx (can't wait for Thanksgiving weekend with Rose Ann!!!!). We were going to pick up pumpkins at the pumpkin patch but they were closed by the time we got there so we had to go to the HyVee pumpkin patch. Mom and I wanted to get a head start on my pumpkin (usually Nick is so speedy he kicks my butt) but I couldn't find the carving kits. I hadn't carved a pumpkin with just a knife in a long time so I picked an easy carving. When Nick started carving his he found the carving kits, figures. Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard to get another pumpkin but it was too cold to ride the tractor out to the field and choose so we picked apples instead, mmmm.

I wish I was a black cat!

We made some yummy cookies, mmmm

Don't laugh at my cat, go Irish!

I hope we can eat all of them, we'll have to make a pie!