Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Stef and Sam!
Hope you guys have a great birthday, wish I could be there to help celebrate!

I miss you guys!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
We're finally getting snow!

Our weekend was pretty uneventful, Friday night I had free tickets to the basketball game (the Skyforce) but Nick didn't want to go (party pooper), so we stayed home. Yesterday I got to spend my Gap giftcard from RoseAnn, I found some sweet deals! Nick also found a sweet deal on an ice auger so he bought himself an early birthday present. We also did a lot of cleaning and organizing, nothing fun.

We're finally starting to get to know people here, at church I actually knew someone! Funny how it seems like it takes forever to get to know people, it's nice to run into people when your out and about!

Well, I'm making homemade soup tonight, cross your fingers for me!


Stacy, Jim and Brielle said...

yeah, i'm glad you posted something for them because i didn't get a chance to. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! how was the soup?

Stacy said...

It actually turned out awesome! I finally got to use leeks in something. I'm definitely putting it in my recipe book!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! It was my bday! Thanks for the posting, I'm famous now!!! The bday celebrations were good this weekend. WIsh you & Nick could've been here to celebrate w/ us. MISS YOU GUYS!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for snow! We had another O'Malley's sledding bloodbath last night, remember last year's adventures. You two need to come down here so we can do it again. Glad to see you are doing well in the big SF. Stay warm!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the birthday greeting! wish you guys could've been here also. i think stef and i did enough celebrating over the weekend for 4 people. fun though!

Stacy said...

There was spicy sausage, cheese tortellini, some other noodle, red & green peppers, leeks, black beans, red beans, tomato sauce, chicken get the idea.

Bradley said...

Ohh, the soup sounds great! Maybe you can make it again next weekend for us and I can get the recipe from you :) I am looking forward to using our Cold Stone coupons.

That's great you are seeing people you know! I know that is a big milestone. Keep meeting peeps.
Love you!

Stacy said...

ya know, I must have got that word peeps from you because everyone laughs and makes fun of the word when I say it. Those darn SD's.