Friday, November 09, 2007
Time for Holiday shopping!
November hasn't been exciting but with the holidays around the corner I should have more updates.
Enjoy the holiday shopping, I will post pics later!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm Back...
We took another road trip to the cities, nothing in particular just to see the family and get my hair done.
Labor Day weekend we went to Guttenberg (Nick's grandpa's cabin). It was great relaxing time and we also got to see Nick's sister and brother-in-law, Jenni & Lloyd, Kali, Alli and of course Grandpa Bud.
After that weekend Shan, Jon and Adelyn came to visit! The guy's went golfing and we went downtown to the art festival (since Adelyn held us up, the guys got to come shopping with us). I also got to chase and entertain Adelyn for an hour while Shan got a make over (good thing you bought stuff!). I sure miss the little peanut already.
Hmmm, Nick is back in school (I can't believe he'll be done in May already, time flies). I've just been working and hanging out with friends. We don't have anything planned for the next couple months (until Thanksgiving) so my posts may be quite boring. We were going to go to the SDSU vs. UNI game but it's too chilly out for me (it's a night game). Speaking of games...WAY TO GO ISU! No one thought they were going to with the game today against Iowa. Have a little faith people.
Well that's about it, oh...Happy belated birthday to Stacy (Blight)! Two boxes of candles for you!
I'm ready to go!
Why do they have wheels on this, when I can make it move on it's side?
Thanks Uncle Nick for letting me use your puppy
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Last weekend Mom and Adelyn came to visit (Shan and Jon celebrated their anniversary). We had a great time...Nick had a bright idea of going to the Omaha Zoo since it's only a little over 2hrs away. It was so hot, so Adelyn got a sno cone and enjoyed every minute of it. After the zoo we went downtown to a pizza place. Props to Addy, she never cried and boy were we wore out! The next day we took Adleyn on her first trip to Chuck E. Cheese. She was a little nervous at first but ended up not wanting to leave. She very much enjoyed Bozo and the punching duck game. We kept her tickets so she can rack them up!

This weekend we have a wedding in Iowa City (Nick's uncle and Julie), should be a ton of fun! Stay tuned...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JENNI AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO KALI! I hope you ladies had fun shopping in the cities...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
In June we celebrated my birthday by going camping, we went canoeing and ate smores...

We headed off to Texas for the Fourth of July. We spent a couple days in San Antonio (I must go back to do some more tourist stuff...good city!). Nick's family met us there and then we headed down to Corpus Christi for a few days...we relaxed and went fishing...

Last weekend we went to Minneopa State Park camping with my family. It was Adleyn's first time camping and she loved it...

Friday, June 22, 2007
Well...2 weekends ago Nick and Lloyd went to Jerry's bachelor party so I stayed in Des Moines with Jenni. We shopped, went to Oceans 13 and chemically straightened her hair (that's right..and it worked)!
Last weekend Holly (my friend) had some sweet 10th row tickets to the Twins game and tickets to a hospitality tent with free beer and Famous Daves. mmmm. (Did I mention they were FREE!) We had a great time (even though that was are stay at home weekend) it also gave us a chance to see the fam (once again).
Today of course is my b-day wahoo...Nick's cooking up a plan and then tomorrow we have plans to go camping (just the 2 of us..ah). I'm not sure the details but I'll let you know next weekend.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday, June 04, 2007
Adelyn is 1
We celeberated Ady's 1 year birthday!!!!! I can't believe she's that old already.
I have many photos to post from the past couple weeks but Nick took the camera to the Badlands so I will post (I'll be gone this weekend) early next week.
We love you soooooo much!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom
Sorry this post is late but I spent last weekend and this weekend with you!
Can't wait to see you in a few hrs so us chickies can get a massage!!

Love you, your the best mom in the world I couldn't have asked for a better one.
Thanks for always being there for me, giving me wonderful memories, advise, strength when I don't have any, a shoulder to cry on even if I dont' want to talk, driving to see me for the day when I miss or need you, for always believing in me and so much more...your the best. Happy Mother's Day too! Oh and for putting up with me, haha
Love your baby!
You guys play very important roles in my life and I thank you and love you so much.
Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Last weekend, we drove to Ames, picked up my car (ouch $) and left to the cities to make it to Stacy and Jim's engagement dinner. We had a good time, Stef and Chris came down so we got to see her and meet her new boyfriend! Adelyn is now walking all on her own...she was walking around the mall and zoo, she's not a baby anymore :( So after a long weekend I was tired and couldn't wait to come home.
You may be wondering why am I writing during work hours? Well, it seems someone has given me the flu...I started getting a stomach ache at work yesterday (3:00) and left at 3:30 because it was getting more and more tense. I almost made it home but while I was in mid-turn at the stoplights I started ralphing. I tried to hold it in until I was done turning and could pull over but no it just came out in Nick's truck (oops), I pulled over in Burger King and continued to puke for a good 3 min. I made it home, feeling much better I cleaned out Nick's truck and put myself on the couch. Every hour exactly I would be on the toilet puking and all the other fun stuff that comes (I won't go into detail, haha). Finally 11:30 I fell asleep until 5am! I am now keeping hydrating and laying on the couch...unfortunately Nick is feeling sick today so he's keeping me company. He has not ralphed yet though, keep fingers crossed.
Happy May Day (I'm hoping it's better than April)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Happy Birthday!
Getting some coffee to go in Clear Lake
Happy Birthday to one of the best friends anyone could ask for! I wish I was there to take you shopping and get manicure and pedicures! Your always there for me and would go to then end of the world for me if I needed you to and I want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend. I miss spending my days with you... working out, shopping, spa days, going to church, Sunday brunch!, working with you!, and so much more. I love you and I wish you the best birthday ever (and a happy birthday to Lindsay too). I MISS YOU...
Enjoying a day at the spa (with The Cafe food!)
Working at O'Malley's (Happy Halloween)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Other than that, this week is low key...I haven't really had a voice for the past couple days (I'm sure Nick's happy, haha). Tomorrow we'll stay low key also because starting next weekend we have weekends booked until mid-June, ya!
Adelyn wanted to carry my bag at church, isn't that nice?
The Easter Bunny got me a drum set, my parents are thrilled!
No one believes me that I am the Easter Bunny
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
where did spring go?
Last weekend Nick's friend (Breiser) and his girlfriend (Julie) came to visit...they were waiting for me when I got hom Friday to go to dinner. We took them to Falls Park on Sat. even though it was rainy out (we just had Caribou to keep us warm!). We did go to the comedy club here and it was actually funny (I usually don't find comedians funny, don't ask why). The rest of Sat and Sun we made dinner, bummed around and Julie and I went shopping. They left Monday morning and now we're getting ready for Easter weekend in the cities.
Dave (Nick's stepdad) had a surprise 50th b-day over the weekend wich we would have loved to have been there but it was short notice and we ended up having company coming. We still have another 50th b-day to celebrate in May, I'll celebrate extra hard know who you are!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Dave's 50

We wish we could be there to celebrate 1/2 century with you. We hope you have a great day and we love you.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Happy St. Patty's Day...
Saturday we woke up bright and ealry and went to John's (Nick's old roomate) house and met up with some people and went downtown St. Paul to celebrate St. Patty's Day. We started at 10:00 got down there around 11:00 (we took the light rail to the airport and took a bus from there) and went to the bars. We missed the parade (never went outside) but the bagpipes came through the beer tents and played so that was cool. After we had lunch there it got really packed and it'd take 15 min. to go from the restaurant to the beer tent, we finally left. I honestly didn't think I was going to make it all night for it was only 4:00pm. We rounded up the troops, hit the hot dog stands and walked to the next bar. We met up with Joey Jones (another Hib-town friend that was there for the Gopher's game). It was good catching up with him...and then we moved on at about 6:30. We rode the bus to another bar (my favorite one) where they had a guy from Ireland and some band members play live Irish music. It reminded me of Titanic when they were all in the basement dancing (except everyone dancing was not that good!). By this time I was hungry again so we walked across to McDonalds (mmm grease!). 11:00pm the guys were finally ready to leave and I jumped for joy!! I felt old, my knees were going to fall off from standing all day. Stacy came and picked us up and brought us back to John's house where we at pizza (I think I gained a few pounds!) and fell asleep! Thanks to Stacy for picking us up, I did not want to ride the bus again!!! Love you.
Bright and early Sunday we ate b-fast at the Bradley's and hung out (well played with Adelyn)! Stacy picked me up and we went to the bridal show....we spent a couple hours there, eating the most delicious desserts! We got some good ideas for her and it was fun just hanging out just the 2 of us since we never get to do that anymore! Twas a fun weekend, thanks to all!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My "Intelligence"
Mine is very funny, not all that true! Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence |
![]() You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together. Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination. There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language. You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands). You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan. |
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I'm Back....
Today is beautiful, Nick is fishing (probably one of his last times for the season) and I'm spring cleaning with the windows open and the music cranked!!
Our big news while we've been MIA is that we finally got grown-up furniture! It was time, our only piece of furniture (the garbage chair) was getting holes and well it was embarrassing having people over. *garbage chair: picked from a Bethel College dumpster by Shan and Brandi when they were in college and passed down to us when they graduated, soon it'll be passed onto Sis, haha. So that got moved to the bedroom and we got new stuff, mom helped pick it out! Perfect timing for our Grey's marathon. It's wonderful being able to sit together on the couch! So here are some pics..
Monday, February 19, 2007

Stacy & Jim (6th grade)

I'm so excited for you guys and I am so happy I was in the cities this weekend to see you!
Quick blurp: Stacy & I have been best friends since 3rd grade and went everywhere together (even family vacations). We've been there for eachother through the highs and lows in our life (not to mention you set Nick & I up) and now I get to help with what will be one of the best days of your life! Congrats again, and I can't wait to start planning all the parties and go shopping with you!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I know it was yesterday but hugs and kisses to all.
My Valentines day was work my team includes me and 4 guys (and Holly my supervisor) so they surprised us and gave Holly and I a dozen roses and chocolates! Then I got a HUGE embarrassing (yeah right) boquet of roses at work with a nice display box with chocolates inside! Of course those were from Nick, what a sweetheart. Even one of my advertisers (a liquor store) gave me a huge bottle of Godiva Liqour, mmmmmm! After work Nick took me out to dinner and we had a great time!
This weekend we're off to the cities, Nick gave me some money for V-Day to go shopping and..perfect timing...I won Player of the Month at work and got $100.00 visa giftcard! Wahoo, it's been a good week and I can't wait to shop.
Hope you all had a good valentines.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Josh

Happy birthday Josh, I hope you have a great one!
I'm a little late but here are some pics of Addy when they came to visit!

"Adelyn's first dance lesson"

"Auntie teaching me to clean up after myself"

"Hey, I'm trying to enjoy the fire"

"Giddy up Nick"